Abortion Is Murder


I initially did not want to write this down but I ended up having to discuss it over and over again. All of the below is basically valid worldwide these days.

The Disability Argument

There are exceptions everywhere to allow abortion in case of the child being disabled. Without abortion being legal for everyone.

The I-Got-Raped Argument

Morning-After Pill can be used up to five days after sex. Some contraceptive pills also work for this purpose up to three days after sex.

The Success Rate Argument

An IUD can be inserted up to five days after sex and works in 100% of cases. The cost is not higher than for an abortion and will be covered by insurance. Without insurance emergency programs may cover the costs fully or partially.

The Zero-Sum Game Argument

Some people make the claim: “More non-whites abort than whites, so abortion is good.” If you aborted 8 non-whites and 1 white until one of them is gone, the world population would be 100% non-white while ignoring that non-whites have higher fertility to begin with.

The Why-Shouldn't-I Argument

Why shouldn't I murder you? Laws and morals hold me back. I could attempt changing those laws and morals as abortion proponents do. However nothing is gained in this pointless bloodshed. Life is created at conception. All life is sentient by definition. Our laws are already very lenient.